Sunday, October 18, 2009


Dear Sisters,

In an effort to better serve you and to be more united in purpose as each of you strive to serve the young women in the wards and branches where you serve, we have decided to create a blog!! This blog will be private, open only to young women leaders and will hopefully be a continuing resource for ideas and inspiration.

This is our vision for the blog:

1. Each month a member of the Stake Young Women Presidency will share a message that we feel pertains to the needs of our stake.

2. We will have a calendar with upcoming events that will be continually updated

3. Each month we will also choose one of you to spotlight in an effort to get to know one another better and create unity within our stake.

4. We also want this blog to be a resource for ideas.

a. If you had a really successful activity,
b. or have a brilliant idea for Personal progress,
c. or a really cool and helpful website
d. or came up with a really neat handout or object lesson for a particular lesson
e. or, any other idea pertaining to serving in the young women’s
i. Email Cami at with your ideas and she will post them on the blog so we can all benefit from them. Pictures would be awesome too
ii. We hope this will also encourage you to keep up a history of what you have accomplished throughout the year and hopefully it will also lighten the burden of getting your ward or branch’s young women history report to the ward clerk at the end of year.

5. Tell us about your Young Women in Excellence nights and New Beginnings
a. As a Stake Presidency we will try to make it to these special events
b. Secretarys, would you please write a little blurb about the event, the girls who were acknowledged and what they had accomplished. Email them to Cami and she will post it on the blog.

6. We also want this blog to be a place where your concerns can be addressed
a. If you have a question and/or concern email a member of the stake presidency and we can address that issue anonymously on the blog, but only with your permission. We then would ask for your suggestions and ideas by commenting on the blog.
b. Some examples could be, “What do we do about cell phones?” or “What are some suggestions on how to address the issue of modesty?” or “What can we do to help our young women take on leadership roles?”

We hope this blog will be a blessing to each of you as you strive to magnify and serve in your callings. We ask for your suggestions and input as we strive to get this started.


The Young Women’s Stake Presidency


  1. Hey Ladies.

    Thanks for all your effort, I really appreciate it and i know the girls will also. Just a quick note we are leaving to live in Florida and I want to say Thanks I have loved every minute serving with you all.

  2. This is a great idea! You've done a great job on this blog. Thanks for all you do.
