Friday, October 22, 2010

Regal Park Missionary Activity

We recently had a really wonderful missionary activity. I got the idea for the relay portion from

We started off with a relay. I had prepared an individualized mission call for each of the girls, complete with a unique mission assigned to them and the actual wording from the mission calls that the Church extends. Each girl had to find their mission call and open it.

Then they had to get dressed in missionary attire. I rounded up some elastic waist skirts and cardigans so they would be quick to take on and off.

Next they had to find their mission on a world map and place an arrow there.

Then they made their way to the MTC where they had to memorize one phrase in Spanish, and find the reference for D&C 4 (I gave them a print out of the verses and they had to open in the scriptures to where it was.)

Last really was the hardest part…make a paper airplane and land it in the box, arriving at your mission. The first team to have all team members arrive at the mission won. The girls really had a lot of fun. My husband was skeptical when I told him about the activity, thinking that the older girls would think it was silly. But I was proud to report that the Laurel class won!

Next was certainly the highlight of the evening. We invited the sister missionaries from the Canyon West ward to come and share with us. When I asked them, I gave them very little direction, mostly just saying that I would like them to talk about serving a mission (how they decided to go, what it was like for a sister, etc). I didn’t want them to convince the girls to go, knowing that decision is very personal and individual, just to share something about missions with them. I came away from the evening so inspired, with a great testimony of the inspiration that missionaries receive. Their message was perfect. They shared about how neither of them wanted to serve originally, but how they changed their mindset to ask what the Lord wanted from them instead of what they wanted with their life. They both shared how they loved their missions. They invited the girls to prepare to serve, because even if they decide not to serve, they will be more prepared for service in the Church, for marriage, and for life. It was a wonderful message, encouraging them to live now so that their future will be easier and clearer when they get there. I was so grateful for the spirit that the sisters brought. It helped me realize the need for more spiritual Wednesday night activities.

After the sisters finished, we had some time to write to the missionaries serving in our ward. Talking with the other leaders afterwards, we found that one of the reasons we liked the activity so much was because it was so balanced…the relay was fun, loud, silly, and crazy. The sisters shared a powerful and spiritual message. Then we were able to end with the girls quietly talking while writing letters. I think all of the girls really enjoyed themselves.

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