Sunday, October 24, 2010

Going High Tech!! Well, trying too :S

  1. I posted our Young Women Rosters on the right hand side bar at the top. All leaders will be able to access the leader roster. Only the Presidents and Secretaries will be able to edit any information. So please let them know if there are some changes and/or additions that need to be made. Being that these documents contain all of our private contact information I have made settings so ONLY the YW leaders can view it. I did this by putting in the email addresses located on our YW Leader Roster. If any of these email addresses are incorrect or different from the ones you use, you will not be able to view the roster or the calendar. Let your secretaries know so they can make the changes needed so you can have access to all this COOL stuff.
  2. I've given you all access to view our stake calendar at the bottom of the blog. I just realized that I have been the only one that has had access to the calendar this whole time!! Sorry I'm learning all this stuff as I go--bear with me. Secretaries and Presidents can make changes and add information. Caprock Ward emailed me their yearly calendar so I have their activities listed on the calendar. Secretaries, feel free to add your activities as well. Especially those activities that you would like some stake involvement.
  3. Secretaries and Presidents, please email me when you have made any changes. I've adjusted the settings so I should receive an email when someone makes a change and/or addition (at least I think I have--we'll see if it works). Until I know for sure I would appreciate a quick email letting me know you made some changes and/or additions on either the rosters or the calendar.
  4. I've also put up a roster for all the YW girls in our stake on the right side bar too. Only the Presidents and Secretaries again will be able to edit any information, but all leaders have access to this roster. There are different sheets on this roster. The first sheet has all the YW in our stake, the remaining sheets are of the individual wards/branches. Presidents and Secretaries, when making changes and/or additions please make changes on the 1st sheet AND the sheet with your ward and/or branch. Thanks ladies. I'm hoping this will make less work for all of us in the long run. When I ask for an updated roster, please go to the google docs links on this blog to make your changes. Feel free to make your own rosters and dress them up how you like, but we will use the rosters on this blog for the stake. You can use them for yourself too.
  5. Have fun. This is all in an effort fulfill the goal we have to have better connections with each other!

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