Saturday, October 31, 2009

2nd Ward YW in Excellence

The second ward’s young women have had an amazing year, and the Evening of Excellence was a great way to show off their achievements. The theme for this year’s program was “iPod…Incredible Potential of Daughters of God.” This was the perfect theme for our girls. With so many technological distractions that are out there today, our young women have not forgotten who they are!

The evening began with a talk by guest speaker Lindsey Servino. She shared a slide show of some of the world’s greatest masterpieces from artists, musicians, and other gifted creators. She then reminded us that we, as daughters of God, are His greatest masterpiece. Her talk was truly inspiring. The second ward young women admire Lindsey and always enjoy her presence!
Each of our young women was given the opportunity to present one of the personal progress values she had worked on during the year. For some, choosing just one was difficult, as everyone worked consistently on personal progress throughout the year.

Each young woman presented her value in the “iPod” format, reminding them that with each experience, they are building upon that incredible potential. Although there were some young women that were not able to attend the program, each girl was recognized for her achievement.

  • Taylor Brodrick-iCrochet and iPaint

  • Stephanie Corbett-iHomemaker

  • McKenzie Pearce-iKnit

  • Kathy Malinowski-iDesign

  • Amy Aldana-iBless and iSing

  • Zoey Hackett-iTeach

  • Lindsey Wilson-iSport

  • Holly Alberts-iWrite

  • Jessica Crawford-iBabysit

  • Kadee Boyce-iBand

  • Laney Hackett-iSmile

  • Maddy Kimball-iFlute and iPiano

  • Hailey Hackett-iShare

  • Avi Evans-iTravel

  • Afton Wells-iServe

  • Zoey Evans-iTravel

  • Naomi Sweet-iSing, iPiano, and iGarden

  • Jennifer Alberts-iSing

We were entertained by Jessica’s candid description of her volunteer babysitting experience, inspired by Afton’s service to the Challenger team, and impressed with McKenzie’s knitting abilities. We enjoyed the musical pieces by Amy, Naomi, Jennifer, and Maddy. We were encouraged by the successes of Lindsey in sporting and Naomi in gardening. We were deeply touched by Amy’s poem and personal expression of love for her mother. Finally, we were all amazed with Stephanie’s creative baking skills as she arrived with a cake in the form of an iPod!
Following the presentations was a musical number by the young women, “Where You Stand.” Anyone that attended girls’ camp remembers what a powerful song this is! It was a joy to hear. The evening was closed with some inspiring words from Bishop Kimball. No evening would be completed without refreshments, and the assortment of sugar cookies in each of the value colors was perfect!

The Evening of Excellence was a wonderful opportunity for our young women to recognize their incredible potential. We are looking forward to another great year of character-building and testimony strengthening experiences in Personal Progress!

Taylor Brodrick

Afton Wells

Lindsey Wilson

Stephanie Corbett

McKenzie Pearce
Jessica Crawford

Maddy Kimball
Written by Stephany Crawford--2nd Ward Secretary

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like you have some VERY talented Young Women! I love the pics!
