Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monster Mash Regional Stake Dance

There has been some confusion about whether or not the dance scheduled on Oct. 16th was happening since we just had a dance.

This dance is still happening.

This is a regional dance and I believe the Abilene Stake (I could be wrong) is in charge of it. They have worked really hard on planning it. Please inform your youth. Your SYC members were informed about the dance last night. Refer to the flyer for more information. Here is a link to a pdf file if you would like to print some copies off for your youth ( I couldn't figure out how to attach a file on blogger, I would be open to any feedback if anyone knows how to do that). Let me know if the link doesn't work and I'll email you the pdf file.

FYI: Presidents, I have put your email addresses in the system so you will receive an email whenever something new is posted. I would put everyone's email in, but it will only let me put in 10--bummer. Presidents if this is a problem, let me know and I will take your email off. One reason for the blog is so your email doesn't get bombarded. If anyone knows how to create one email address that sends to many email addresses I would love to hear from you. Following this blog would be an idea too for those that would like to do that.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

PP on the Internet

Personal Progress Moves to the Internet!

Now young women can do their Personal Progress on the computer by going to Each young woman can link to all of the scriptures, track her progress, submit her plans and report when she is finished with each step as she earns her Young Womanhood Recognition award and medallion. Plus, she can keep her journal securely online and print out the entire book (including her journal) when she is finished.

Parents and leaders may approve the plans and projects of their young women. Leaders will be able to track the progress of the entire Young Women class.

Go to and start today!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What is the YW History Report

I just received an email from one of our YW leaders asking what a YW History Report is. Assuming that she is not the only one with that question, here is the answer:

Near the end of the year--around late November or early December--your ward clerk will be asking for a history of happening in young womens over the past year. He will use the history he receives from you to compile a history for the ward which will then be sent to the stake where they will use the information they get from the wards to compile a stake history which will then be sent to church headquarters in Salt Lake City.

Typically the wark clerk will ask the Presidents of the auxiliaries for these reports and then the Presidents can ask for the assistance of their secretaries to help them compile a history. This blog, we hope, will help you compile your histories for your wards and keep a running history of the good things that are going on in our stake.

Here is the link from if you want to read more in detail. I've included excerpts below from there:

The purpose of the annual history program is to bring members closer to Christ and to collect the contemporary history of the Church by gathering, remembering, preserving, and sharing experiences of how God is working in members’ lives and in His kingdom.

The annual history, comprised of stake and ward histories, helps fulfill the Lord’s charge: “Continue in writing and making a history of all the important things . . . concerning my church; . . . And also, my servants who are abroad in the earth should send forth the accounts of their stewardships” (D&C 69:3, 5).

Preparing the Annual History

1. A narrative summary of the work of the Church and faith of the members in the geographical area of the stake or ward. This summary includes challenges, achievements, and important events and meetings. Lists of ordinances performed and changes in officers may also be included. Stake and ward clerks should include faith-promoting events taking place in the lives of members and in Church units. They may draw from the following sources to create the narrative and, where appropriate, may include excerpts from or photocopies of the following:

Notes or reports or reminiscences
Extracts from minutes and so forth. (These require the clearance of the stake president or bishop and should not contain sacred or confidential material.)
Stake, ward, quorum, and auxiliary organization reports
Photographs (preferably black and white, with place, name, and date identification)
Newspaper clippings (preferably photocopies)

Monday, September 6, 2010

We're Back!!

We are about to get this blog up and running again. MORE to come soon!!